Thursday, October 29, 2009

My title

I changed my story. A little. My previous one was about them spending too much time in the music store and was gonna be late to meet their friend. K so now I changed it to Riley pestering Kay to hurry up as they were going to be late for concert but sadly Kay kept getting distracted. Kay so after that everything stays the same. I showed Alan my really rough storyboard and he said the story is fine but he didn't like the whole no-dialogue thing. Yes this time I mute them which means there is no dialogue. Yeah...he said I should put a little bit of dialogue in it. Yup. My learning contract is ready to go but I'm not gonna submit it yet in case I need to change some part of it.

I also thought about what kind of style I'm going to approach. I was thinking of traditional kind of animation. I'm not gonna use Flash this time I'm trying to go the traditional way (go rae go!)ANd since I'm concentrating on my animation, I was thinking I go for the very minimal coloring. I found some examples done by students from CalArts. Here are some examples.

The Pet Shop

watch the show!

Pin Up or Shut Up

watch it here!

Zoologic (my favorite)

watch it here!

I really like the 'Zoologic' color. I'm gonna have my characters to be all white with a tinge of Pink and Purple for Kay and Riley respectively. What I like about 'The Pet Shop' is their simplicity of color. It only have 1 color with different tone. And I really love the background. I'm still not sure if I should go for 'The Pet Shop' or 'Zoologic' for my background. Still thinking.....

Alan also told me that he might be worried about my characters' body. Right now they have big head and small body. He's afraid that their body might not have the proper physics when I animate it. Well... he asked me to ask Ronald first so that's what I'm most probably going to do before I change my characters.

One more thing Alan asked me to do was think about my title. I don't have a title since I kinda changed my story. Soooo....yes I have to think of a tiltle! It's not called 'The Fall' anymoreee!!!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

My story

Yes is about my story. I'm so worried man! I was telling Alan about my latest story and showed him my really rough storyboard ("Your drawing just gets better and better") and he said that he's worried my story might have a 'so what' effect.

Oh dear!!

Cuz right now my story is only about my character falling into the drain, he said that I might need to build more on my characters. Yeah... Hmm... I gotta think of something. I really don't want my story to be what at the end. It won't be cool. So..... I guess now I have to give my character more characteristic and depth for my story.

I told my dad about my story though. He also kinda said the same thing like what Alan said. There has to be more and falling into the drain while texting is a pretty expected kind of ending. AAARGHHH!!! Okok stress stress. I guess I better think now!!!

Friday, October 23, 2009

My characters

Okay so here's my character design. For now there's no color. I'm still thinking about my color and style. I realised their feet are drawn wrongly. Sorry about that will change it. Yes Riley is a unisex name and my character Riley is a girl. haha.
Oh and here's my story:

Two best friends, Riley and Kay just bought themselves some stuff from the music store and are on to meet their friend, Mindy.

“Oh darn it's 4 already. Thanks to you, now we have to rush to Mindy's house!" Riley scolded Kay.

"But I have to have a pink guitar pick!" Kay whined.

"Whatever can you just text Mindy and tell her that we're going to be late?"

“Sure!” Kay replied when her phone rang. She read the message and smiled to herself. "Speak of the devil, it's Mindy."

“Okay when we meet Mindy here’s what we’re gonna do. I’m thinking our new song should be more rock and funky you know like……” Riley began. Unfortunately, Kay’s mind started to wonder off. She was actually thinking what kind of outfit she should wear to the performance as Mindy texted her that her crush, Chris was coming. She stopped and replied her text message while Riley continued walking and talking to herself.

When Riley realized that Kay wasn’t following her, she pushed Kay to move and continued to talk while walking behind Kay. However, Kay’s phone rang again making Kay stop walking when she replies which also cause Riley to bumped into Kay. This process continued for a while and Riley was getting annoyed with Kay as their journey to meet Mindy was getting tiring ang longer.

Fed up, Riley snatched Kay’s phone saying "Learn from the expert" and demonstrated to her how to walk and text at the same time. Sadly, Riley didn’t see the banana skin on the floor, slipped and fell down the flight of stairs.
My previous story was actually Riley saying that they have to change their guitar strings however Alan told me that some audience might not understand the use of guitar strings so I shouldn't make it so complicate.He suggested that they were in a hurry to meet another friend because they spent too much time in the music store. So...yeas h that's my story now. So right now I'm doing my storyboard. And also I have to think of my environment.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

I'm back in school

Oh wow I'm back in school after about 3 months in SIP. School's cool and I really miss everyone :D
So now's the final lap which is Final Year Project aka FYP. We got into groups today and shared our stories. When I told them about my story, they felt that it was a little bit odd because there's no connections with the ending.

So I told Alan my story. He approved my story but told me to think of an introduction because so far my story is very abrupt. It doesn't really introduce my audience about my characters.

Okay so my story is actually very simple. Is basically about 2 girls name Riley and Kay. While Riley was talking, Kay kept texting and each time she texts, she has to stop walking. This cause Riley to bump into Kay and making their journey seemed longer. Riley got fed up and so she snatched Kay's phone to demonstrate how to walk and text at the same time. Unfortunately, Riley didn't see the flight of stairs in front of her and therefore fell down.

Yes as you can see it doesn't have a strong base. So.... i have to think some more.

I also showed Alan my learning contract. He told me that my target audience should be like 12 year olds because apparently only 12 year olds will fall while texting (even though i am 20 and shave hit against something while texting). I also have to change my primary aim. cuz the aim doesn't really sound right. Haha. so thats abt it today.